Do you stop visiting the park after the the snow starts flying? Many people prefer to stay inside when the winter wind blows, but you may be missing some of the most beautiful and quiet times in the park.
Wildlife are often more approachable in the winter and the chances of seeing turkeys, owls, and deer are good. Fresh signs of wildlife are everywhere. Winter is the prime time to see Bald Eagles hunting in open water on the Big Sioux or flying overhead.
Snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and snowmobiling are all poplular activities when we have good snow cover. Snowmobiles have to be currently registered and can ride on trails marked with the snowmobile symbol. Snowmobiles also are permitted on the unplowed park roads.
The park takes on a whole new character in the winter. You can see the landforms that are hidden during the growing season. Trees creak and crack in the winter winds. The solitude can be good for the soul.